SEO: What and how you are going to market?

SEO: What and how you are going to market? - Questions

What do you think, is SEO too challenging or interesting enough for bigger practice?  

               - I think that if you keep it simple enough, it is interesting. But if you haven't studied it in depth first, then it can be too challenging to understand and work with. The key is to find the best way for your website, not just go all out with any possible thing there is in order to stay relevant with your site. 

What are the most interesting or challenging things for you in SEO?

             - The most challenging thing about SEO would probably be becoming visible and findable on search engines. The fact that there is so many aspects of SEO is a lot of work. Interesting part about SEO is that it really makes a difference. In order to stay on top of the search list and gain traffic that leads to clients, you have to use SEO. Before I didn't even realize the huge importance of SEO to businesses.

Do you now have an idea, what are you going to market and how?

              - I'm still not sure what I should market but I know I have to use keywords and other websites to promote it. 

Should we have a timeout before going further with SEO? Without idea (goal) SEO is not motivating.

             - The goal is not clear yet, at least for me.

If we will continue, do you want to do the practice by yourself, in small groups or would you prefer just assist teacher?

             - I prefer practising myself or with a partner, but I don't want extra stress over group assignments. Assisting teacher is always good.

