Questions about Social Media

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Questions about Social Media

1.  Which social media sites do you have accounts? The most important for you in the first?      - I own Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube and Pinterest accounts. My most important account is Instagram, since I like to share my photos with not only my close friends and family but people I don't know and get inspiration from them.

2.  How much time do you spend on social media per day, what’s the ratio business/entertainment?

         - I spend too much time in social media per day, about 3 hours. I watch long YouTube videos on a daily basis.

3.  How often do you post on social media?

         - I only post to my Instagram account whenever I have content to upload, approximately every 3 weeks.

4.  What do you use social media for?

       - I like following influencers and get inspiration from them and share my own photos as a form of art to others. Also memes.

5.  Do you consider yourself addicted to social media? Do you want to use less time to it or are you going to use more time in social media in the future?

          - Yes,  I need to limit my time on social media but at the same time I really enjoy it. 

6.  How do you see the future of social media?

          - I see the future of social media being a crucial tool for companies and individuals. Social media won't die, instead it will spread into a bigger networking environment, but there will be different methods too that might outrun social media.

7.  Will it become even more important?

          -  In some parts of the world people have not yet fully implemented social media, so I think social media still has a lot to show. There's constantly new platforms and easier ways of networking, so I think it will become even more important. I think it is important to be updated on social media at all times. 

8.  What else you want to tell about you and social media?

          - I consider myself good at social media, but there's always room for development. I use social media as a viewer, but not as much as a creator. I want to become better at creating websites, including being able to utilize the advanced features and edit photos. 

